We're not so different.

I am Autistic and I hate it when I am treated as an outsider - this blog is to help those like me and to educate people who are not autistic. Please stop and read some of my posts, I am sure I will surprise you!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The first blog

I have been bullied for the biggest chunk of my life. The bullies have now backed off however, the expience has affected me profoundly. I want to - I need to - help those in a similar position as I was. I was bullied for being who I am, bullied for something I could not, cannot, control. I was bullied for the way I talked, walked, and on my views. I was bullied because of Asperger's Syndrome.

I only found out I had autism a year hence, and I still struggle to come to terms with it. I think the best thing i could do is to help those in a similar position, as a kind of closure that I am not alone. I also urge people who are not autistic or "normal" people to read this. I put inverted commas around "normal" to emhasise the fact that we are all different - none of us are "normal". The biggest difference for austistic people is that out differences are more noticeable.

Please help me help you to face autism. Please help me help you to understand.

I intend to post every week or two and check more regularly than that. Please ask questions in the comment box and I will do my best to answer.

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